Thank you for your interest in making SAP Inside Track Munich 2024 happen!

We invite you to sponsor the conference and help make this a brilliant event. Your financial support makes a huge difference to the event and helps make sure it will be affordable for our attendees.

About the event

The third annual SAP Inside Track Munich will take place at 13th October 2018 in Munich, Germany.

The event will be non-commercial, community-driven and with the help of our Sponsors free.


Our Offer

For sponsors we offer the following:

  • Your logo on our website
  • Your logo on the SAP Community Network Space for SAP Inside Tracks
  • Our logo for your marketing activities
  • You will be mentioned during the opening and closing sessions of the conference
  • You will be mentioned in SAP official social media communications

Best of all, by the virtue of sending your employees to the conference, you'll have the opportunity to come in contact with highly motivated and skilled SAP Experts.

We have two Sponsoring Packages:


  • Gold (starting from 1000 €)
  • Silver (between 500 - 1000 €)
  • Bronze (below 500 €)

If you are interested in any Sponsorship please contact us :